xarxa.cloud is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Un node més al Fedivers amb l'objectiu d'agrupar col·lectius socials. Un nodo más en el Fediverso con el objetivo de agrupar colectivos sociales. No guardamos tus datos. No guardamos logs.

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Jordi Moreno

@itsfoss Once it worked. My sister bought a laptop without an OS and I installed there. Some days after, she said "With Linux everything is so easy". I will always remember this sentence 🥹.

The problem was that the webcam started to fail and I wasn't capable to fix it. The company (Lenovo) answered that the warranty was only applicable if you were using Windows. Then they installed Windows in the laptop, now the webcam works and she uses Windows again.