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Cases of #dengue #fever have been surging globally as warmer weather brought on by climate change enables mosquitoes to expand their reach.

The Pan American Health Organization said #deaths from dengue are also rising.

More than 7,700 deaths have been reported in the Caribbean and the Americas so far in 2024,
a more than 200% increase,
compared to 2,467 deaths in 2023, according to the organization.

The number of cases in the region,
which includes the United States,
is the highest reported since record keeping began in 1980,
PAHO director Jarbas Barbosa said at a news conference.

“This is linked directly to climatic events,” he said, referencing warmer temperatures, droughts and flooding.

A fast population growth, unplanned urbanization and poor sanitation have contributed to the rise in dengue.

The virus has surged worldwide since last year and spread to areas previously free of dengue, according to PAHO.


ABC News · Dengue cases set a new record in the Americas this year as deaths also surgeBy DÁNICA COTO Associated Press

"The state also saw its first report of a locally acquired...case of dengue fever this year in a resident of Cameron County, according to the department. The Texas DSHS has tracked 106 confirmed travel-related cases of dengue fever and at least one death so far this year, making it the worst year for the disease in Texas since 2002."


Continued thread

There exists a vaccine against dengue fever (qdenga) that has not yet been approved by the FDA. trump putting rfk jr. in charge of banning vaccines in the US won’t help that happen. As things get warmer, this will be a concern for more of the country than just SoCal. One of many reasons the incoming admin is unhealthy for Americans.

LAist · California dengue cases prompt swift response from public health officialsBy KFF Health News

UNMC Transmission: "Novel way to beat dengue: Deaf mosquitoes stop having sex"

"BBC Scientists believe they have found a quirky way to fight mosquito-spread diseases such as dengue, yellow fever and Zika – by turning male insects deaf so they struggle to mate and breed.

Mosquitoes have sex while flying in mid-air and the males rely on hearing to chase down a female, based on her attractive wingbeats."


Buenas tardes, miserables.

El Instituto de Sanidad y Calidad Agropecuaria de #Mendoza pasó de la etapa de laboratorio del control de Aedes aegypti (vector de #dengue y otras porquerías) a soltar mosquitos machos estériles en los departamentos de Guaymallén, Godoy Cruz y Las Heras. Las últimas novedades oficiales habían sido de marzo y abril.

Sólo dos cosas les pido: atención al agua estancada y no lean los comentarios sobre la noticia en redes sociales. Ambas cosas son por vuestra salud.

Agradezco el aviso a @UnTarado.

La #France métropolitaine menacée d’une #épidémie de #dengue lemonde.fr/planete/article/202

Selon un rapport de l’Anses, la probabilité d’une épidémie d’arbovirose dans l’Hexagone lors des cinq prochaines années est très élevée, alors qu’un record de 78 cas autochtones de dengue a été enregistré cette année.

Le Monde · La France métropolitaine menacée d’une épidémie de dengueBy Delphine Roucaute

Re-visitant l'entrevista q em feren a "Digues-li ciència", fa un parell de setmanes, a
@radio4_rne on vam parlar de #bioseguretat #biocontenció #WestNile #dengue #mosquits #arbovirus però també #Mpox, aka #verolamico. Encara no parlàvem de #Marburg, que va saltar després. Tot succeeix a gran velocitat però no perquè els virus i les transmissions s'esgotin sinó perquè es superposen. #OneHealth Em trobaran a la pestanya de CLIPS.

RTVE.esDiga-li ciència: Tus programas favoritos de RNE, en RTVE PlayEmisión del programa Diga-li ciència en RNE. Entra en RTVE Play para poder ver todas las emisiones de los canales de RTVE.
Continued thread

#dengue, #febretifoidea, #malaria.
Recordem també q el conveni general és q #Marburg no es transmet fins l'aparició de símptomes i en aquest cas haurien tot just començat els primers símptomes. I recordem que bàsicament la transmissió és per contacte proper (que sí, es dona en un ten o en un avió). Tanmateix si finalment les dues persones resulten positives a #Marburg la probabilitat que hagin generat transmissions secundaries la considero força baixa. #filovirus #transmissió

Es necesario volver a hablar de #dengue. Es una situación que se vive en todo el continente americano, pero sí es necesario estar pendientes, porque sí es una enfermedad prevenible.

1⃣Muertes sospechosas por dengue en Costa Rica suben a 13

La Nación · Muertes sospechosas por dengue en Costa Rica suben a 13By Irene Rodríguez

Dengue case in... Baldwin Park (Los Angeles County), California. 👀

"...The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health this week confirmed a local dengue case, the third reported in the state since 2023.

In a statement, the department said the patient is a resident of Baldwin Park and had no history of travel to areas where the mosquito-borne virus is endemic. An alert to providers said the patient and household members had not traveled domestically or internationally ..."


CIDRAPCalifornia officials confirm local dengue case