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Can we import tweet archives into a Ghost instance?

Yes. We. Can!

Thanks to @Tupp_ed I have been incentivised to figure it out and I have a working proof-of-concept 🎉

If you're still on Twitter and haven't yet exported your archive, do so now. We can figure out what to do with that later.

#twitter #ghost #GhostCMS #SelfHosting

The Verge has a great guide on the export process:

The Verge · How to download an archive of your Twitter dataBy Barbara Krasnoff

I’m declaring today, April 4th, as 404 Day in honor of @404mediaco

Simply put, the amazing work that @jasonkoebler, @samleecole, @emanuelmaiberg & @josephcox publish is essential reading for anyone who uses the internet.

#404day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate and support their work. I mean, they even commissioned a full-text RSS feed add-on for #GhostCMS so subscribers could have one. Please join me in celebrating and supporting their extraordinary work!


404 Media404 Media404 Media is a new independent media company founded by technology journalists Jason Koebler, Emanuel Maiberg, Samantha Cole, and Joseph Cox.

here's the script i use to turn my footnotes and references in #Ghost from the shorthand i use while writing into the proper markup for publishing. may not work for you, since i use a very specific format, but could be a good starting point!


GitHubcitation-needed-scripts/notes at main · molly/citation-needed-scriptsScripts for CitationNeeded.news. Contribute to molly/citation-needed-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub.

As blogs from #wordpress, #ghostcms #microdotblog and others federate in, I'm trying to get everyone to use the tag #Fediblogs to make those posts discoverable and searchable.

As podcasts from @Castopod MicrodotBlog, and @funkwhale, #PodcastIndex others federate... I'm trying to push for the use of the tag #Fedicasts to become a common way to search and find federated podcast episodes.

Who's with me?

#podcasts #blogging
cc: @dave @manton @dave @pfefferle