IPC de noviembre: inflación se modera por precios de las gasolinas | vía #UChileRadio
A aquest #mapa de l' #INE pots saber amb quantes persones comparteixes el cognom.
Des de mòbil és poc usable. Personalment m'agrada #LeafletJS per a fer mapes per a la web. Però l'eina és interessant.
Empleo: tasa de desocupación bajó a un 8,7% en el trimestre julio-septiembre | vía #UChileRadio
After only a few minutes the rain passed and children once again launched their dinghies onto the calm waters of the bay
Although many of the 'funaya' (船屋) have now been renovated into holiday homes, shops and cafés, originally they wouldn't have been used as houses but rather as storage sheds.
Fishermen would have had a family home slightly inland, and used the funaya for work needs.
As the famous Hokuriku saying goes "even if you forget your lunch, don't forget your umbrella" (弁当忘れても傘忘れるな)
The region's silk fabrics have long been praised for their quality, in part thanks to the moist microclimate which keeps silk threads supple and strong.
About 230 'funaya' (船屋) now circle Ine Bay.
In order to protect the fishermen's boats from rain, rot and insects, the houses were designed so that the boat could be lifted out of the water onto the ground floor.
Nets and gear would be stored on the floor above.
'Chinzao' (台湾茶専門店 靑竈) does not have a menu. Rather the owner produces a selection of teas for each guest from the 100 or so Taiwanese varieties kept in stock.
The experience is designed to be a meditative one, and you should put aside at least 1 hour for teatime.
A squall arrived as tea was served...disappearing before the cup was even empty.
The Tango Peninsula is famed for its microclimate. 'Uranishi' (うらにし) is a sudden wind that blows across the waters from autumn to winter, bringing with it sudden changes in weather and heavy rain.
At the end of summer Nao-san drove up to Ine (伊根) to enjoy Taiwanese tea as the tide lapped at her feet.
The fishing village is well known for its 'funaya' (舟屋), traditional houses designed so that boats could be lifted onto the ground floor.
El INE prepara una cuarta revisión al alza del PIB tras el mayor error estadístico de su historia
El INE prepara una cuarta revisión al alza del PIB tras el mayor error estadístico de su historia
Desempleo del 8,3% en trimestre marzo-mayo, con leve baja de 0,2 interanual | #UChileRadio
Para los rezagados: instalan 13 Puntos Censo fijos en Metro de Santiago | #UChileRadio
Gente que marchó para defender al #INE a capa y espada y que ahora no duda en poner en cuestión el trabajo de esa institución porque no le gustan los resultados.
Opinión | Sociedad | Un llamado a la acción
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